Thursday, 2 August 2018

Thank you to my Corporate Sponsors

Over the last few weeks I have been focusing my fundraising efforts on getting companies signed up to sponsor their logo on my cycling jersey for the challenge.  People normally do this by approaching their suppliers who are usually happy to get their logo and help out a good customer.

I have to say the response has been great.  The nature of the charity and of the challenge appeals to my sponsors as much as it does to me and the opportunity to be associated with this has got people on board.  I suspect some people perhaps also are hoping I might not come back...

The final shirt design can be seen below.  Many thanks to all those companies and individuals who are keen to contribute to this great charity.  The jerseys should arrive around the end of August so you should soon see me in person or on photographs on social media parading round the Cheshire and Derbyshire roads.

Specific thanks go to the following individuals and their businesses:
Martin Woodward, CEO at ToolsGroup Brookes in London:  I have worked with Martin and his team for nearly 8 years, supporting their healthcare customers and more lately a number of major accounts in the logistics space.  Martin very generously contributed to last year's C2C challenge and again this year to Cycle Zambia.  

ToolsGroup Logo
Joe Shamir, CEO, and Caroline Proctor, Chief Marketing Officer at ToolsGroup in Boston, have also generously added to the ToolsGroup Brookes UK sponsorship.  I have worked with and implemented ToolsGroup's SO99+ product at many customers over the past few years.  Their "Powerfully Simple" tools and approach delivers great results to complex supply chains and they are true leaders in advanced analytics and supply chain optimisation.  You may have spotted I have adapted their tagline for this blog (with permission!).

Adrian Veale and Paul Darley at Mitten Clarke in Stoke:  Adrian has been my accountant for nearly 10 years since I left the corporate world and set up Innovate 360 nearly 10 years ago.  Paul has been looking after my pension and providing professional advice and guidance on planning for what I hope will be a long and healthy retirement!  Adrian has also helped out businesses in Africa and spent time a couple of years ago in Rwanda on his own charity challenge.

David Howarth at / Imperative Training in Irlam:  I met David a few years ago when I did some mentoring of high growth business CEOs and entrepreneurs.  David had already grown a successful business doing First Aid and Food Safety Training for large and small businesses.  He had also started to sell defibrillators as an online business and was looking at major growth plans.  I was very impressed by his ambition, vision and capabilities and both businesses have gone from strength to strength.

Mike Rozenfeld and the team at Attainia in Scottsdale, AZ:  I have worked with Attainia for over 10 years, initially as a client when I worked at NHS Supply Chain and for the past 8 years supporting the growth of their business across Europe, Middle East and Africa.  Speaking at a number of conferences has given me the opportunity to meet ministers of health and their teams in many countries, including recently from the Ministries of Health in Zambia, South Africa, Nigeria and Uganda - all countries where Transaid has active programmes.

Guy Salmon Land Rover Knutsford: I have been a fan of the Landrover for many years and the owner of a Discovery Sport for the past two.  I am very grateful to Julie Ripley and the team at Guy Salmon Landrover Knutsford for their generous sponsorship and for their excellent sales and post sales service.

Sarah Lafferty at Round Earth Consulting:  I have worked with Sarah on a number of articles, customer case studies and campaigns with ToolsGroup over a number of years and her creative abilities combined with a solid grasp of technology are beyond compare.

Alasdair Kenney of ClickChemist for his long term friendship, great humour and camaraderie.  You are much more likely to see Alasdair playing golf or hockey than on a bicycle.

Matt Townsend at Ultimate Creative Communications in Knutsford, for his financial and design support as well as his encouragement to cycle further and harder in some wonderful places around the North of England.  Perhaps next year I will make the Holmes Chapel Velo Majorca trip if I survive Zambia!

Thank you also to the owners of a number of local businesses in Holmes Chapel


1 comment:

  1. REMINDER: If you would like to make a personal donation to support this great charity please visit my fundraising page at You can donate in various currencies including GBP, EUR, USD and ZAR.
